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License to connect stores to water and electricity networks
Legislative and regulatory references :
- Chapter 81, first paragraph of the Municipal Basic Law No. 33 of 1975 dated May 14, 1975, as completed and revised by subsequent texts
- Law No. 122 of 1994 dated on November 28, 1994 relating to the edition of the Land Initialization and Reconstruction journal, as it was completed and revised by subsequent texts
- Municipal Decision related to tariff settings licensed to local groups for their extraction
Conditions for obtaining the benefit :
- The license application of the store must be built according to a building permit.
- If the store concerned is not built according to a building permit, the decision to take the license or not is attributed to a special technical committee formed for the purpose.
The required documents :
- A request in the name of the mayor, signed by the applicant containing the necessary data (especially the building permit reference).
- A certificate proving the ownership of the property in question.
- A discharge certificate from the municipal performance.
Filing placement :
- The technical interest in the municipality or the municipal department
Placement of having the service :
- The technical interest in the municipality or the municipal department
Time limits for having the service :
- 15 days from the date of filing placement
- Each property represents an independent unit in which a single license can be assigned, either for connection to the water or electricity network.
- Each assigned license authorizes only one meter provision.