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Death Registration

Legislative and regulatory references :

  - Chapters 15 to 32 of Law No. 3 of 1957 dated on August 1, 1957 related to organizing the civil status, as it was completed and revised with the subsequent texts.

  - The order dated on August 13, 1956 related to the issuance of the Personal Status Code, as it was completed and revised in the subsequent texts.

- Basic laws on active wires, customs agents, the national army, and diplomatic agents.

Conditions for having the service :

- Declaration of death to the civil status officer of the place of death or the place of the corpse if the place of death is unknown.

- The death must be declared within 3 days of its occurrence.

- The death is declared by the following parties:

* A relative or who has correct and complete information as possible.

* The director of the hospital or clinic where the death occurred, provided that it is within 24 hours of the death.

* The prison commander, if the death occurred in prison or the execution of a death sentence.

* National Guard or Security if the death was caused by a traffic accident or violence.

The required documents :

Submit a file containing the following documents:

- The most possible information about the deceased (and, if possible, his birth certificate or identification card)

- Determining security interests if the death in abnormal and suspicious circumstances.

Filing placement :

- Civil Status service in the municipality or the municipal department where the death occurred.

Placement for having the service :

- Civil Status service in the municipality or the municipal department where the death occurred.


- After the legal time period (3 days) has passed, it is not possible to register death, except with the permission of the Court of First Instance where the death has occurred.

- Be satisfied with the report of the hospital so that death will not be registered.